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The First Online Recruitment for 2022 Autumn Semester

On the afternoon of December, 23, the "WZU2022 Global Online Recruitment" organized by the Overseas Students Education & Service was successfully held in the Conference Room 311 of the College of International Education(CIE), Building 3, North Campus.

The publicity video of WZU was played in the beginning of the online recruitment.

Then, Trenton Glore, a foreign expert from the Admissions Department of the Overseas Students Education & Service, greeted the audience first and gave an opening speech. He showed the geographic location and city image of Wenzhou, the campus environment, student dormitory and classroom environment of Wenzhou University, and international students participating in cultural and sports activities and various competitions through rich and vivid pictures. He then introduced our university's international ranking through charts and data, with a focus on our majors that taught in English.

Afterwards, Ms. Even, from the same office, introduced the tuition fee and scholarships of Wenzhou University, as well as the application processes of different scholarships with examples. 

There was a Q&A session in the end of the recruitment, when the audience could ask questions they care about. Ms. Even answered all these questions about scholarships, application procedures, age requirements, language certification in detail.

This online recruitment is the first one for 2022 Autumn semester. In total, 240 prospective students have attended the recruitment, and 176 comments have been received. In the future, there will be more recruitment to enable prospective students and the society to know more about our university, thus attract more international students to study in our university.